Termin - Stimmkunst



Thomas Barthel, langjähriger Leiter des IOS der Oper Zürich

Ann Beckman, highly appreciated singer’s coach in top opera houses, tells her experiences with Vera Wenkert’s Masterclasses.

Yulia Levin, Solo-Korrepetitorin Oper Zürich:

Vera Wenkert in Interview with Aaron Sands and Charlotte Whittle, Scotland:

Lehrer, SängerInnen und GesangsstundenInnen:

I highly recommend working with Vera Wenkert as a voiceteacher as well as participating in her masterclasses.Vera Wenkert is a fine dramatic soprano with a great ear for teaching. She is very precise in hearing vocal problems and in offering solutions that get complete results. I strongly recommend Vera Wenkert as a teacher for any singer looking for vocal help and wanting an accurate diagnosis. Her performance experience also compliments her teaching ability in that she knows languages and stage deportment.
David L. Jones
David L. Jones
International Vocal Pedagogue, New York
The SONARAVERA® exercises are so simple yet really effective for this. I can highly recommend them. Thank you Vera! You are truly gifted in so many areas of the creation of a world class singer!
Louise Martyn
Louise Martyn
Irish Soprano, Edinburgh
Ich spüre als Sängerin, dass ich seit der SONARAVERA®-Arbeit unglaublich stark bei mir bin, insbesondere in Auftrittssituationen. Ich bin dann nicht nur ruhiger, sondern erlebe auch die Freude beim Singen, die Lust auf Gestaltung und die Reaktion des Publikums deutlich verstärkt. Und: Es fühlt sich ganz leicht an!
Patricia Flury
Patricia Flury
Lehrerin, Sängerin, Schweiz
Sie ist eine sehr empathische Lehrerin und versteht wie alles mit allem zusammenhängt, dass die Stimme lediglich reagiert, wie wir sie behandeln.
Georgia Knower
Georgia Knower
Sängerin, Theater Basel
SONARAVERA® is a method which constantly draws yourself back to who you are at your essence, your core. It is a powerful tool for singers to be able to access their inner artist in a quick and easy way. The exercises are so deep, yet able to produce amazing results in such a short amount of time. The method combined with your incredible knowledge of how the voice works, Vera, is truly so unique and I highly encourage singers from all around the globe to work with this Method.
Charlotte Whittle
Charlotte Whittle
Dramatic Soprano, UK
Vera Wenkert is an exceptional teacher and artist. Her Institute Stimmkunst represents an important stepping stone for the professional singer who has graduated from university and is singing in first engagements or preparing auditions.
Anna Maske
Anna Maske
Soprano and voice teacher at Conservatoire Populaire de Genève
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